New job, now! Why You Should Start Your Job Search Before The New Year

    “I’ll apply in the new year”, “I’ll apply once the kids are back in school”, “I’ll apply when I have more spare time”. Excuses, we’ve all used them, but do we realise the domino effect this hindrance is having on our job search?

    We’ve all heard of the phrase new year, new me but this year we challenge you to stop procrastinating and apply to that dream job NOW!

    So why exactly is now the best time to apply?

    Beat the competition

    The great resignation continued this year with 76% of employees job hunting in 2022. With the current wave of strike action that’s sweeping the UK and the 50% of employees expecting a pay rise of 10% or more in 2023 (CV Library, 2022) which many businesses won't be able to provide, it’s highly likely that this resignation is set to continue next year.

    The solution? Beat the competition by getting your CV across to your future employer before the influx of applicants in January. Business tends to quieten down over the holiday period meaning the hiring manager will tend to have more availability to look at CVs. Capitalise on this whilst the job seeking pool is smaller.


    With the 31st December being the most common fiscal year end, many hiring managers can’t carry over any remaining budget and will need to spend it by the end of the year or they risk losing it altogether. As a result, many hiring managers will choose to recruit before the year’s end to maximise resource going into the new year and ensure no budget goes to waste.

    Eat the Frog

    We’re all culprits of procrastination and most of the time we’re procrastinating for the same reason, the dread of getting started on big goals. So how do we overcome the mental resistance that comes with starting your job search? The answer is simple, Eat the Frog.

    For those who aren’t familiar with this productivity method, it refers to identifying the most important task to help you achieve your goal (aka the ‘frog’) and getting it done first thing in the morning to avoid giving yourself a chance to put it off later.

    Eat The Frog Summary

     This method can be applied to applying to jobs at any time of the year, not just the holiday period. So whether your ‘frog’ is writing that cover letter or filling out your first job application, get it done and the rest will follow.


    If you're thinking of beating the masses and starting your job search early, get in touch with our specialist team on 02922 400 519 where we will be able to advise and support you with your job search. Alternatively, browse our vacancies at
