The benefits of working exclusively with one recruitment agency

    Working with several recruitment agencies will increase a company’s chances of quick placements and provide a wider pool of talent, right? Wrong.

    Believe it or not, working with multiple agencies rather than one can be counter-productive in your hiring process. In fact, there are numerous reasons why companies should consider partnerships with one recruitment agency.

    1.        Better Understanding of Your Business and Needs

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    When you partner with one recruitment agency, they’re able to understand your business on a deeper level, and as a result will be able to better sell your company and role to the candidates, have a full understanding of your company culture and tailor their search to the specific skill sets, qualifications, and experience necessary to thrive in your role.

    Here at Hoop, we believe finding a personality fit is equally as important as finding someone with the required skill sets and experience.

    1.       Cost and Time-effective Solution

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    Partnering with one recruitment agency can also be a cost-effective solution. By negotiating a long-term contract, you can often get reduced fees saving money in the long run. Additionally, since the agency has a better understanding of your business and needs, they can help you avoid costly recruitment mistakes, such as hiring the wrong candidate and having to back-fill at an added cost.

    At Hoop, for many of our exclusive or volume roles we are able to offer reduced fees and bundle pricing plans, as well as extended and enhanced 12-week guarantee facilities.

    A lot of hiring managers also find briefing multiple agencies to be time-consuming. By working with one agency, you can spend longer on the one briefing, providing a deeper and more detailed insight into the organisation, role and required skillset and rather than spending minimal time with various agencies who will provide you with less-than perfect candidates.

    1.       Streamlined Recruitment Process

    Recruitment Statistics

    Working exclusively with one recruitment agency can streamline the recruitment process, saving you time and effort. The agency will take care of advertising, screening, shortlisting candidates, conducting reference checks and handle job offers. The benefit of working with one agency is that you have one point of contact for your entire recruitment process and won’t have to juggle managing various agency accounts and timelines.

    1.       Improved Communication and Collaboration

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    When you work with numerous agencies, it can lead to confusion and miscommunication. Different recruitment agencies will have different expectations, processes, and timelines, which can make it challenging to manage the recruitment process effectively.

    In contrast, partnering with one recruitment agency enables smoother communication and collaboration. You will have a dedicated point of contact who better understands your requirements and can provide regular updates on the recruitment process.

    If you’d like a streamlined recruitment process that will save you both time and money, get in touch with our specialist team on 02922 400 519 today or register your job in under 30 seconds on our website at today!