Taking Care of Your Mental Health at Work: The Hoop Approach

    Our mental health plays a vital role in our overall well-being. Many of us spend a significant amount of time working, so it's important to have a positive work environment that supports our mental well-being.


    Work Stress and its Impact:

    One of the main sources of stress in the UK comes from the increasing pressure of a demanding work culture. Shockingly, around 20.1% of people in the UK work for 45 hours or more each week. This can lead to dissatisfaction, neglecting other parts of life, and ultimately, more stress. If not addressed, high stress levels can lead to burnout and more severe mental health problems.


    Hoop's Solution:

    Recognising the importance of work-life balance and mental health, Hoop takes responsibility for creating a positive workplace. They offer an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) to all their employees. The EAP is a confidential and free service that helps with various challenges, including relationship issues, childcare support, financial well-being, stress, anxiety, and family problems.


    Supportive Resources:

    Through the EAP, Hoop employees have access to different resources based on their needs. They can reach a helpline that operates 24/7, attend free counselling sessions, or use online CBT therapy modules. If they require legal or financial advice, there is also a dedicated team available to assist them.


    Flexible Working Options:

    Hoop understands the benefits of flexible working, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Working from home has become popular due to its positive impact on employee mental health. By eliminating the daily commute, employees have more time for self-care activities, exercise, and spending time with loved ones. Working from home also allows for a customised work environment, enhancing comfort and focus. This aligns with Hoop's belief in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.



    Hoop goes above and beyond to prioritise the mental well-being of its employees. By offering support through their EAP and promoting flexible working, they strive to reduce work-related stress and create a nurturing environment. It's a testament to their commitment to compassion and a call to prioritise mental health in the workplace.
