Our Journey To Becoming One Of The First Carbon Neutral Recruitment Agencies In The World

    From day one, our vision was clear. We wanted to change the perception of recruitment, we wanted to create something we were proud of, a company that cared, a company that gave back, a sustainable company that put people first.

    Sustainability, both economically and environmentally was at the core of our plan. Early on, we engaged with Welsh Government and quickly committed to a Green Growth pledge. The pledge was multi-faceted and the journey to carbon neutrality begun.

    As we grew, so did out carbon footprint. It was always our plan to become Carbon Neutral, however, and in 2020, we put together a project team to bring this vision to reality….

    In 2020 we created a project team with a sole purpose of being an ethical and sustainable business, ensuring we minimised any negative impact on our planet.

    Our first call of action was to reach out to the local government to see what our options were. Partnering with the Welsh Government, we signed up to take part in the Economic Action Plan. This included adhering to a set of promises that focus our minds every day on how we can run our business in a way that considers and respects society and the environment.

    In 2021 we decided to take this one step further, minimising our impact just wouldn’t suffice anymore. We put a goal in place to be one of the first carbon neutral recruitment agencies in the world. Ambitious? Absolutely. Impossible? No.

    Offsetting your carbon emissions promotes is so much more than a simple positive economic, social and health contribution to communities. It’s habitat creation, provides biodiversity support, flood mitigation, river ecosystem improvement and improves public access to nature.

    The project team did extensive research into the different ways to achieve this goal and after careful consideration decided upon reforestation as our main offsetting method. Tree planting is not only an excellent way of offsetting carbon dioxide emissions, but it also purifies our air, lowers air temperature, aids in the prevention of flooding and can even lower your energy bills.

    As of April 2022 we are pleased to announce we are offsetting an incredible 37.5 tonnes of CO2 sequestration!

    Attached is our Carbon Reduction Plan. 

    If you’re passionate about our planet, we’re always looking for new ways to better our positive impact on the environment and would love to hear your ideas! Get in touch on 02922 400 519.