Hoop's Commitment to Combat Modern Slavery

    At Hoop, we take our responsibility to address modern slavery and human trafficking seriously. It's not just a corporate policy; it's a fundamental part of our values and mission. We believe in creating a world where every person is treated with respect, dignity, and fairness.

    What is Modern Slavery?

    Modern slavery is a deeply concerning issue that encompasses practices such as slavery, servitude, forced labour, bonded labour, child labour, and human trafficking. Human trafficking involves arranging or facilitating the movement of individuals with the intention of exploiting them. These practices are crimes and gross violations of fundamental human rights.

    Our Commitment

    We want to be crystal clear - we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to modern slavery within our organisation. This commitment extends to everyone associated with us, including our employees, suppliers, and partners. We firmly believe that the prevention, detection, and reporting of modern slavery is the responsibility of all those working with or on behalf of Hoop.

    Our commitment can be summarised in these key principles:

    • Zero-Tolerance: We do not tolerate modern slavery in any form within our organisation or supply chain.
    • Responsibility for All: Preventing, detecting, and reporting modern slavery is a shared responsibility among our entire community. No one should engage in or facilitate activities that may lead to a breach of our anti-slavery policy.
    • Engaging with Stakeholders: We are dedicated to collaborating with our stakeholders and suppliers to address the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.
    • Risk-Based Approach: We use a risk-based approach in our contracting processes, continuously assessing the need for specific prohibitions against modern slavery and trafficked labour in our contracts with third parties.
    • Audits and Due Diligence: We conduct regular risk assessments and due diligence processes, which may include supplier audits to ensure compliance with our Code of Conduct.
    • Appropriate Action: If any individual or organisation working on our behalf breaches this policy, we are committed to taking appropriate action. Our response may range from remediation to termination of relationships, focusing on the best outcome for those affected by the breach.

    Our Collective Responsibility

    Modern slavery is a global issue that requires collective action. We believe that together, we can make a significant impact on eradicating these practices from our world. By upholding these principles and working hand-in-hand with our partners and stakeholders, we can create a future where modern slavery is a thing of the past.

    We invite you to join us in this mission. Together, we can build a world where every person lives in freedom and dignity, without the fear of exploitation.

    Thank you for being a part of Hoop's commitment to combat modern slavery. Your support and vigilance make a real difference in the fight against this grave violation of human rights.


    For full transparency, Modern Slavery Act policy is attached below.